
4 Signs You Need to Contact Pest Control Services in Your Business

Pests can have a damaging effect on your business in several ways. First, these unwanted guests can ruin your reputation and even destroy the chances of sealing a potential deal with a customer. These seemingly harmless yet destructive creatures can also tamper with employees' concentration and cause property damage. For these reasons, you need urgent pest control services when you suspect an infestation in your business premises.  This article looks at four signs that point to a need for immediate pest extermination in your commercial property: 

When Fleas Play the Waiting Game: Why You Have Fleas Even With No Pets

Have you discovered a flea infestation in your pet-free home? If you have friends or neighbours with a dog or cat, you might believe that the fleas are coming from them. However, fleas don't just hitch rides on the hides of pets. Humans can bring them indoors, too. Moreover, fleas have an unfair advantage when it comes to the waiting game. As a result, what you thought was a pest-free environment could turn out to be a flea haven.

Keeping Mosquitoes And Mosquito Larvae Away From Your Swimming Pool During Summer

Owning a swimming pool is one of the best ways to keep cool during hot weather, but unfortunately, you and your family aren't the only beings who will be attracted to your pool during the brutal summer months. Annoying, blood-sucking mosquitoes are attracted to large bodies of fresh water throughout the year, but they are particularly intent on finding water during the summer months, as they lay their eggs in water to breed their aquatic larvae.

How to Get Rid of Cane Toads

The cane toad is not a native inhabitant of Australia but it is found more and more in the country, especially in the tropical north where it has spread. Rhinella marina, as the cane toad is officially known, is an unpleasant species of amphibian largely because of its toxic skin which can kill animals. It has even been known to cause deaths in humans who have been exposed to too much of it.

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches From Your Car

Perhaps one of the most unwanted pests you could wish to find in your home, the presence of a cockroach in your car is, for many, even more unpleasant. The thought of being cooped up with a cockroach on a long journey where you cannot necessarily stop and deal with the issue immediately sends shudders down the spine of lots of Australians. Professional pest control services may be required in severe cases, but if you have only found one or two of the little beasts in you vehicle, then there are steps you can take for yourself which will help.